Nigerian Artist Promotes Folklore With Unique Lamp Radio
I get so many Facebook messages from some "picture less" people, bearing names that you can't really tell the origin. I have so many of them in my inbox. They bear funny names like Tessy Kuru, John Palamos, Taim Radi, Ebertha Maestre and Starr Welch. They start with a simple "Hi", and when you respond, the next message you get from them is something like this: "Please I am not really regular on Facebook, could you please send a mail to me on dadada so, I can then respond with my pictures." Na wetin? Did I ask for your picture? Well I understand that they are all fraudsters but I just like to taunt them and they leave after a while. The scenario above is what happened to me while searching for the contact of James Olloh. I sent him a message on Facebook, and after two days without getting a response, I went through his contacts, saw someone bearing same surname with him and sent a message to the person asking for James' contact. Hehehehe, fiv...