Go Green! Go Bio-Fuel!! My Healthy Cooking Experience!!!

     Hey people, so I have been using my biofuel and the kike cook stove for two straight weeks now and I can comfortably say, this is it! Way to go!! Going green!!! And it is time to get a dual burner, I was actually gifted the single burner stove.
     I loved shooting this story, no excuses, no "come today, come tomorrow", and the people working for the company? Excellent!
     So I did this story with Green Energy and Biofuels, a company owned by Femi Oye. They are into everything green for lighting and cooking purposes, but I focused on bio-fuel for cooking.
     This company creates affordable cooking biofuel from water hyacinth and sawdust, can you believe that? And you also get to use it with a very portable stove, that looks so much like a table top gas cooker. It also comes in a single or dual burner. The stoves are sold for between 2,000 to 4,000 naira, depending on the size you want, and a litre of the gel is sold for 98 naira. A litre burns for six whole hours.
     Colour "green" is synonymous with everything natural and healthy. For those who want to be healthy, they are advised to eat more "greens". For those who want to lose weight, they are also advised to do more "greens". And now that we know that most of the resources that we have will one day be exhausted, and also for the fact that we want generations to come to enjoy the things that we think we are enjoying now, its time for us to go GREEN.
     There are so many reasons why we need to actually go green but think of SAVINGS, you know, you reduce energy consumption and by reducing energy consumption, you also reduce energy bills. For HEALTH, it improves the air around you. And then for the ENVIRONMENT,  well, you can reduce the amount of waste you generate.
     The future is in converting waste to fuel, do you know how much the Lagos state government spends trying to clear the water ways from water hyacinth.
     Click on the link below to see a video as used by CCTV, and ahhhh the picture credit? Moi, in moi kitchen. Check the flame, awesome right? So no kidding when I say its time to go green!!

Peace people.

Link to video as used by CCTV


  1. Thank you Angela for this information. You are actually right by saying going green is the way to go.

    I will look for these products.

  2. Hi, Angela, this is great technology. It is also an opportunity for business and financial empowerment. This technology helps to clean out carbon in the environment and keep everybody healthier.
    We shall be talking about carbon emission reduction at a Breakfast Dialogue this September. Will give you details, shortly.
    Good experience sharing from you!
    Innocent Azih
    Carbon Exchange Trade Lagos

  3. The Stove and the Bio gel are the perfect alternative to Kerosene cooking stove and gas. I am enjoying it.


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