Happy 55th Birthday Dearest Fatherland

Dear Nigeria,
Happy 55th birthday anniversary. I thank God for your new age, it is not easy at all. In this age where very young people are being cut down in their prime by one cancer or heart attack, though feeble you have stood your ground and refused to give up. Most people thought the last elections would have killed you, I mean I have friends who left the country in fear just before the elections, but you still dey gidigba. Before the elections, and even now, we felt terrorists would have killed you or atleast kidnapped you but you are still standing.The world wide fall in oil prices, and its attendant effect on the naira came, though feeble, you are still standing.
     Yes, I know you are feeble, I also know you will get well soon. When you get well please deal with the airlines that keep me waiting for hours without any form of communication on why my flight is delayed, deal with that police escort who nearly threw me off third mainland bridge just because he was carrying an oyibo and the oyibo could not stay in traffic like me. Also deal with all those people trying to cut my share of ponmo short just because they want to wear shoes when our before before papa survived without shoes.
     I love and call you "Father land" for so many reasons. I love you for the correct party Jollof rice, for ugba and okporoko, afang soup, asoebi things, gala and lacasera while in a five hour traffic, for members of the parliament who take over from Nolly-Wood once in a while.
      I know you will get better, with time you will. It has taken a while but I believe in you. As you prepare to raise heads of ministries who will help you take care of my other 170 million siblings, please do not raise them based on mere patronage. Rather, raise the ones who will be prudent with the housekeeping money that you allocate to them, so the house will not only be together but will grow and prosper.
     Forward ever.

Your daughter,
Angela U.


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