Greeting Cards: A Rebirth?
Greeting cards seem to be a dying tradition. Sometime ago in July, on a Saturday night, my husband got a late call to attend a birthday lunch the next day. This call came from someone who we can never say no to even if she had told us 30 minutes before the lunch. So on Sunday afternoon, thank God we had something that could pass for a gift, we set out hoping to get a birthday card on our way. After checking two shops without success, we bought the only thing we found in the third shop for 800 naira. To cut a long story short, the card was too poor to give out, so we just dropped it in the car. This shows that as people began to gravitate towards sending messages through mediums like BBM, Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Emails, text messages and so many others, shops began to stock less of cards, especially quality cards. We interviewed a man who opened a shop over 19 years ago specifically for cards but today he says the cards only occupy about 20 percent of the entire shop. ...