Cyber Cafes: A Dying Phenomenon?

I went to a cybercafe for the first time in 2001. And then it became a weekly thing for my friends and I. Even though we were not expecting any mail from someone, it just felt like the in-thing for us to do then. And the cybercafes where just every where, with about three to five of them just on one street, and the patronage was quite high.
Now, the cybercafes that I see around are a total shadow of what they used to be. Dirty, dusty, old computers, the shops have all lost the glamour they used to have back in the days. For the few cybercafes that are still operating, they are no longer dependent on offering internet services, but mainly to type, print or photocopy documents for people.
Internet enabled phones spoilt the business for them I guess, as the world evolved, people could no longer wait to go to cybercafes, they just had to receive and respond to emails in real time. I can't stay an hour without my smart phones, I will definitely feel like I have lost touch with the world.
Telecommunication companies are evolving and installing WiFi in public places where you can just log in once you have signal, all for a token.
Think back about fifteen years ago, when we didn't have smart phones, do you think you can live in that world again?

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